Remove Charles Comiskey From The
Baseball Hall of Fame

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"Regardless of the verdict of the juries, no player that throws a game, no player that entertains proposals or promises to throw a game, no player that sits in a conference with a bunch of crooks and gamblers where the means of throwing games are discussed and does not promptly tell his club about it will ever play professional baseball again."
-- Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis

That is what Judge Landis had to say about his action in banning eight members of the 1919 Chicago White Sox from professional baseball as a result of their roles in throwing the 1919 World Series. It is a disgrace that Charles Comiskey is in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Charles Comiskey, owner of the White Sox at the time of the 1919 scandal, knew about the attempt to throw the 1919 World Series before it happened. Further, after the 1919 World Series had been thrown, he tried to cover up the scandal knowing that if it were to become public, he would lose eight of his best players. Would not Judge Landis have banned Charles Comiskey from professional baseball for life had he known of Comiskey's complicity in the scandal and subsequent attempt to cover it up? Would not Judge Landis have made a statement something like the following?

"Regardless of the verdict of the juries, no owner that knows of a plot to throw a game and does not promptly tell the commissioner's office about it, no owner who attempts to cover up a plot to throw a game, no owner who places his own personal financial interests before the integrity of the game of baseball will ever own a professional baseball club again."
-- Hot Off The Internet

Did Judge Landis know of Charles Comiskey's complicity in the scandal? Did Judge Landis know of Charles Comiskey's attempt to cover up the scandal? Did Judge Landis have some other reason for not banning Charles Comiskey from professional baseball for life? Does it matter? We now know the facts regarding Charle's Comiskey's role in the 1919 Black Sox scandal, and clearly he does not deserve to be in the Baseball Hall of Fame.

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