Nice Things We Have To Say
About Starbucks

Well, there was that nice man who was willing to admit that the absurd decision to stop selling foccacia bread was the fault of some silly git at headquarters. That was nice...

One time we went into Starbucks to buy one of those delicious pastries that they don't make. We reached into our pocket only to realize that we had forgot our money. We turned to walk out, and someone shouted after us asking if they could help us. We told them we didn't have any money and he said that he would give me a cup of coffee free. That was nice...

The pastries that they don't make are truly delicious. That's nice...

We really did throw their coffee beans on our compost pile. Honest. We swear on our coffee grinder. Their coffee beans didn't ruin our compost pile. In fact, they probably enhanced it. That's nice...

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