The Great Starbucks Coffee Mystery

And then this happened...

The saga continues. Actually, the coffee saga doesn't continue. However, the "Strange People Hired by Starbucks as Clerks" saga does continue:

Remember the arrogant robot git from our story? Either he has been replaced (perhaps he wasn't using Duracells...) or he has moved to a different shift. His smiling face has been replaced by two other smiling faces. However, where his face was arrogant, these two faces are more like Laurel and Hardy. We went in to our local Starbucks recently. No, not to make a selection from their limited range of bitter dark roast coffees, but rather to buy something sweet for a little breakfast treat. You see, they don't make their baked goods; they buy them from another company. The result is that unlike their coffee, their baked goods actually taste quite good. We asked for one item and Stanley (smiling git number 1) said, "Good choice!" We pointed to a second item and Ollie (smiling git number 2) practically shouts, "Excellent choice!" We asked for a third item and they both cried out practically in unison, "Another excellent choice!"

Now maybe this is just a pet peeve of ours, but doesn't it bother you when your choices are evaluated and judgement pronounced by your typical entry-level clerk or server who probably won't be around more than a few months? Frankly, we don't really care to have our choices judged by anyone unless we ask for their opinion. Stan and Ollie, if you are out there, please let me make my selections in peace. I'll ask for your opinion if I want it....

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